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MONDAY 27.01.25

The final day of the epic Battle Axe Open is here - Monday, January 27th! Don’t miss out on the action as we wrap up this incredible weekend with three thrilling competitions before we head into the massive awards ceremony and some well-deserved kick-ons to celebrate!


  • 1.5x Blackjack Competition

  • Yahtzee Competition

  • Bucket of Axes Competition

All tournaments will be epic with cash and prizes on the line.



Kicking the final day off with a Battle Axe classic, the 1.5x Blackjack competition. Testing your rotational ability as well as accuracy by aiming to hit that perfect 21 point Blackjack!


Ticket Price: $70 per person

Registration: 9:00am

Start Time: 10:00am

Prize Pool: $385 (1st: $170, 2nd: $120, 3rd: $95) + Merch & Sponsors Prizes

Ticket Link:

Competition Rules:

  • Open tournament

  • IATF Premier ruleset


Competition Format:

  • Three Game Guarantee, Double Elimination

  • Competitors will have a minimum of 3 matches

The ‘Three Game Guarantee’ format for a Double Elimination competition ensures every player will have a minimum of 3 matches in the event by giving each player who loses their first two consecutive matches a third match with the chance to fight their way back up through the lower bracket all the way to the Finals.


Blackjack Rules:

  • 10 throws to hit as close to 21 total points as possible without going bust!

  • Normal IATF scoring zones in play with the additional rules that sticking an axe outside of the target but on the board scores 0 points and an axe drop scores -4 points.

  • Players must take all 10 throws.

  • If you go bust, you lose.

  • Closest to 21 points wins.


  • If both players are tied on final score after 10 throws, then players will go to a sudden death Clutch throw with the closest result to a Clutch winning.



A new Battle Axe favourite, Yahtzee! Assemble a team, work together, and aim for those coveted Yahtzee combinations in a fun competition to wrap up the weekend. 


But it’s not just about the throws in this competition - bring your A-game and also your best look! We’re awarding a special prize to the best-dressed team. 


Anything goes, show us what you’ve got!


Ticket Price: $120 per team

Registration: 11:45am

Start Time: 12:00pm

Prize Pool: $220 (1st: $220) + Merch & Sponsors Prizes
Bonus Prizes for Best Dressed Team!

Ticket Link:

Competition Rules:

  • Open tournament

  • IATF Premier ruleset


Competition Format:

  • Three Game Guarantee, Double Elimination

  • Competitors will have a minimum of 3 matches

The ‘Three Game Guarantee’ format for a Double Elimination competition ensures every player will have a minimum of 3 matches in the event by giving each player who loses their first two consecutive matches a third match with the chance to fight their way back up through the lower bracket all the way to the Finals.

Yahtzee Rules:

  • Teams of four players throw together on individual targets to hit successive target locations.

  • Players must progressively attempt to hit a ‘1’, ‘3’, ‘5’, ‘0’, ‘Straight’ and lastly a ‘Clutch’ as a team.

  • Each player has three attempts to hit the current target location, before then moving onto the next target section as a team.

  • For a successful section a team receives points as listed below, with the team at the end of all sections on the highest total score winning.

  • For each individual failed throw, a team accumulates a -10 point deduction to their total score.

  • For a failed section, if any players did not hit the correct location within 3 throws, a team receives 0 points.

  • The ‘Straight’ is defined as one player hitting a ‘1’, another hitting a ‘3’, another hitting a ‘5’ and another hitting a ‘Clutch’. The team decides which player is assigned to what section before the attempt begins.

Section scores are:

  • Each player hits a “1” – 100 points

  • Each player hits a “3” – 300 points

  • Each player hits a “5” – 500 points

  • Each player hits a “0” – 600 points

  • Team gets a “Straight” – 700 points

  • Each player hits a “Clutch” – 1000 points

Max possible score is: 3200 points.

Special Rule: Only applicable during the final section, if all but 1 player has hit their Clutch within the 3 throws, the remaining player receives an extra 4th attempt.


  • Team sudden death Clutch off. Each player throws for a Clutch, the team with the most Clutches wins.

  • If tied on total Clutches, ‘Premier’ Clutches beat ‘Touch’ Clutches.

  • If still tied, repeat.





Battle Axe is back with the absolute crowd favourite, Bucket of Axes! 


This competition is all about showcasing Australia’s top axe makers by putting their creations right in your hands.


Whether you're a seasoned pro or a first-time thrower, this event promises an exciting challenge as you get to throw each match with a random axe from the bucket with the chance to win one!


​Get ready to SPIN THAT WHEEL!


Ticket Price: $70 per person

Registration: 4:45pm

Start Time: 5:00pm

Prize pool: The axes from the bucket! (1st: First choice, 2nd: Second Choice, 3rd: Third Choice, 4th: Fourth Choice)


Ticket Link:


Competition Rules:

  • Open tournament

  • IATF Premier ruleset

  • Axes are provided!


Competition Format:

  • Three Game Guarantee, Double Elimination

  • Competitors will have a minimum of 3 matches

The ‘Three Game Guarantee’ format for a Double Elimination competition ensures every player will have a minimum of 3 matches in the event by giving each player who loses their first two consecutive matches a third match with the chance to fight their way back up through the lower bracket all the way to the Finals.

Bucket of Axes Rules:

  • Axes will be provided to all players for use.

  • Axes are chosen at random for each match.

  • Axes to be announced soon!

Around The World (ATW) Rules:

  • IATF Premier Rules

  • Players must score a left side '1', then a left side '3', then a '5', then a right side '3', then a right side '1' and a Clutch to finish.

  • 10 max throws to hit all points.

  • Whoever hits their Clutch first wins.

  • If neither player scores a Clutch in 10 throws, the player who has progressed the furthest “Around the World” wins.


  • If both players hit a Clutch on the same throw or if both are tied on the same point then players will go to a sudden death Clutch throw off with the closest result to a Clutch taking the win.

  • If both players hit a ‘Touch’ Clutch or both hit a ‘Premier’ Clutch the sudden death Clutch throw off repeats itself.




  • Battle Axe on Instagram - @battleaxeau
  • Battle Axe on Facebook
  • Battle Axe on Twitter - @battleaxeau

© 2022 Battle Axe Throwing - Urban Axe Throwing Wollongong

284 - 286 Crown st, Wollongong/Dharawal Country, NSW 2500


We acknowledge the Dharawal people, the traditional custodians of this land on which we live and work & pay our respects to the Elders past & present.


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